We want to heartily thank our awesome design team – Lesley Croghan, Katie Gehring, Sarah Gough, Virginia Lu, Stacey Schafer and Kim Singdahlsen – for their talent and creative designs using Fresh Squeezed Stamps. They inspired all of us to create outside our comfort zones, to try new techniques, and to simply gaze in awe at their incredible stamped cards and paper projects. You ladies are some of the best in the biz and we appreciate your spending a chunk of your year showing off our stamps.
With the end of this design term comes the end of Fresh Squeezed Stamps. It’s been a fantastic year and a half and we want to thank each and every one of you for sharing your precious time with us, for visiting us daily on our blog and Facebook page, and for inspiring us to create the best clear stamps in the universe (insert big grin here!) Although FSS enjoys a fantastic following and our sales are strong, it’s time for us to move in our own creative directions.
We’ll officially close our doors on March 31, 2014 and we invite you to spend the next few weeks continuing to be creatively inspired by our design teams’ work and our fabulously talented customers’ projects. We’d love for you to continue to post your FSS projects in our galleries – we’re so proud to have the best customers on the planet! We’ll keep our blog fresh and enticing until the last minute…
Our remaining stock of Fresh Squeezed Stamps is available while supplies last at 30% off, so if you’ve been eyeing a particular set(s), please be sure to order them while they’re in the shop. Again, we thank you for your friendship, loyalty, support and motivation to step up and give this business a go!
Happy stamping,
Ryann and Shannon